
Featured Member: Joy Hoover of Esōes Cosmetics

Joy Hoover Which is your home chapter? Las Vegas What is your company? Esōes Cosmetics is the first patent-issued smart safety cosmetics. What does that mean? We are combining science, technology, and beauty to create a lipstick and other cosmetics that could save your life. What were you doing before you started working on [...]

January 4th, 2024|

Featured Member: Diana Tan of Brief

Diana Tan Which is your home chapter? Seattle Describe what your company does in 25 words or less. Brief helps emerging startups and businesses understand contracts, fast. Why does the world need your company? Because opportunities are disproportionately divided against those understand their rights, risks and obligations and those who don't. If you were [...]

January 4th, 2024|

Featured Member: Heather Claus of Flex Axion

Heather Claus Which is your home chapter? Portland Describe what your company does in 25 words or less. Our software, TANGO, brings the power of artificial intelligence to the ETF asset management industry, enabling superior portfolio management and AUM growth. Why does the world need your company? Asset managers have a big fiduciary role [...]

January 4th, 2024|

Featured Member: Stephiney Foley of Yuzi

Stephiney Foley is the CEO and founder of Yuzi, a wellness tech company on a mission to redefine the maternal care experience and be the lifeline to mothers. Their goal is to build the world's largest maternal care network and platform, revolutionizing how society cares for mothers, their families, and care professionals. Our first [...]

November 30th, 2023|

Featured Member: Jonathan Blanco of Niftmint (Seattle Chapter)

Before founding Niftmint, Jonathan was "involved in retail technology at various stages from SMB to Enterprise and building the technology to support. Right before Niftmint, I had been working on building Web3 communities with Brands." On the role of Startup Haven in his journey, Jonathan says, "Startup Haven is a place where I can [...]

November 3rd, 2023|

Featured Member: Mansour Masoudi of Emissol

Mansour Masoudi helms Emissol, a company developing innovative 'clean air' solutions. He shares a glimpse into his experiences, challenges, and perspectives as an entrepreneur. Mansour Masoudi's startup stands at the forefront of creating a low-carbon era. Funded by several non-dilutive SBIR awards, the company is inventing groundbreaking 'clean air' technologies. These award-winning solutions have [...]

October 3rd, 2023|
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