Poker is Special…
But It’s Not About the Poker


Networking for founders is both essential and nearly impossible.

We hold two things to be true.

  1. Many (probably most) of the best things that happen for startup founders come from people they know.
  2. The very best source of help for founders is other founders, i.e., a founder’s network should include lots of other founders.

Regrettably, traditional networking events are chock full of everyone except founders and most events don’t support building relationships. In short, they are often a terrible waste of time.

The articles below explain why Startup Poker 2.0 is the answer.

Wanna get on the invite list?

Startup Poker 2.0 is an invite-only event exclusively for Startup Haven members. If you are unsure whether you’re qualified for the list, here’s a link that should answer all your questions.  If you’re confident you’re in the right place, then you can go directly to this page and pick a level to apply for membership.

If you’re a founder or investor and want to launch a Startup Haven chapter in your city, you can learn more about how to become a chapter director.