Startup Haven Support Programs

Peer-to-Peer Support Programs

Startup Haven’s greatest asset is its members. With more than 2,300 founders and investors, there is virtually no aspect of the startup journey that at least some of our members have not experienced. And they want to share that experience with others. Our peer-to-peer programs are how we enable our members to help each other.

Founders Dinner

A room full of founders and investors and a no-pizza rule. What’s not to love.

It’s rare to attend an event where you would welcome a conversation with every person in the room. In Core chapters, all attendees are vetted venture-scales founders and investors. In Community Chapters, a limited number of non-Core members are invited to attend as well.

Venture Breakfast

Whether its one table or one room… it all founders, it’s informal and it’s raw.

Breaking bread, early in the morning, among peers, is a remarkable environment. Rapport is immediate, the conversations are intimate and the connections are real. Venture Breakfasts are the straightest line to relationships between founders.

Startup Poker 2.0

Literally the best networking activity for founders and investors on planet earth.

It is impossible to fully convey the brilliance of this event in a paragraph. So here are three articles that will get you there.

Member Brief

With 2,500+ experienced founders and investors, chances are that our members have seen it all. Literally.

That’s a lot of knowledge to share. To help with that, we offer to provide founders and investors with a platform to capture the wisdom and knowledge they most want to share. For some of our most-experienced and most-sought-after members, it can be especially hard to share insights “out in the wild.” Member Briefs provides them a way to help at scale.

Ask & Offer

Our online Ask & Offer platform allows Core founder and investor members can get and give help among the entire Startup Haven ecosystem.

Member Office Hours

Book some time with other experienced Startup Haven members who volunteer to share their time with you. While you’re at it, volunteer some of your time to help other Startup Haven members with topics within your own area of expertise.

Vouch Recruiting

There is no harder challenge for startup founders than building a world-class team. Besides just finding great people, startups must compete with big-tech comp packages and employee perks that are out of their reach. We can’t solve that problem entirely but we can leverage the Startup Haven community of founders and investors to tap into the thousands of personal networks of our members to help find great people.

Expert-led Support Programs

Startup Haven’s greatest asset is its members. With more than 2,300 founders and investors, there is virtually no aspect of the startup journey that at least some of our members have not experienced. And they want to share that experience with others. Our peer-to-peer programs are how we enable our members to help each other.

GroundWork Growth Workshops

In these interactive virtual sessions, founders present their strategic milestones for an exploration of their cogency — i.e., is it the right, next milestone? Would investors agree? What does the milestone unlock, what needs to be true in order to reach it, and what assumptions underlie it? We will use the principles used in the GroundWork Growth methodology, the curriculum taught in the Startup Haven Accelerator program.

Capital Strategy Workshops

Fundraising is hard. A slick pitch deck and a confident story is seldom enough, even in the best of times. And we are not in the best of times.

This interactive workshop dives into the key decisions every founder must make in order to run an efficient fundraising process and maximize their chances for success — when to raise, who to raise from, how much to raise, and at what valuation. We will also explore how investors think and the essence of investor diligence.

Advisor Office Hours

Our partners provide one-on-one expert advice in a number of areas: legal, financials, fundraising, intellectual property, real estate, and more.

Pitch Coaching

Startup Haven Pitch Coaching sessions are not just pitch deck feedback. We go deep. Presenters decide what to focus on and then get in-depth, no-nonsense advice from experienced founders and investors — what’s good, what’s bad and what can make it better.

Lunch and Learns

Our partners offer focused content tailored to the needs of venture-scale startups. These sessions are recorded and made available to all Startup Haven members. Since 2020, these sessions have been conducted virtually. Live Lunch and Learns may return in the future.