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Startup Haven Investor Match
Please read this introduction in its entirety before completing this application.
The Startup Haven Investor Match program is intended to help connect Startup Haven member startups with Startup Haven investor members. Following Startup Haven's prime directive to create more signal and less noise in everything we do, the matching process is "reverse", i.e., investors look for companies instead of companies looking for investors. This approach ensures the minimum amount of noise possible for both founders and investors and ensures no one wastes any precious time.
Your Investor Match profile will help investors (including the Startup Haven Fund) assess whether your company might be a fit for their investment thesis, e.g., stage, business model, market, location, traction, etc. Once an investor identifies your company as interesting, the investor will reach out to you via email or text.
Completing this form and recording the required videos will take some work. If it seems like too much work, then you're in the wrong place.
What if you never hear from any investors through the Investor Match program? In short, "your welcome." Fundraising is one of the hardest and most time consuming activities for a founder, usually second only to building a first-class team. You can be assured that if an investor finds your company to be a match for their investment interests and approach, then they are highly likely to reach out to you. If no investors reach out to you then you can be assured that the Investor Match has protected your time and metal energy by ensuring that you don't waste either on investors who are not truly interested in your company.
In order for the Investor Match program to work for you, you absolutely must be 100% honest in all of your response in this form. Few things will kill your chances with an investor faster than the appearance that you are not being honest. If you knowingly misrepresent any aspect of your startup (your team, your product, your customers, your traction, you market, etc.) then your profile will be removed from the Investor Match program.
You should also understand that the Startup Haven Investor Match program and the information you provide here is intended only to give investors a high-level but meaningful view of your startup so that they can determine whether they might be a good investor for you. The Investor Match program does not replace the need to for you to build a relationship with an investor; nor will it necessarily short cut the diligence process (but it probably will.)
Above all, this program should NOT be your only method for making connections with investors. The aim of the program is simply to help reduce some of the noise and increase some of the signal in the fundraising process for our members -- both founders and investors.
Do you understand and accept the purpose of the Investor Match program?
Do you want your Investor Match profile to be visible to Startup Haven investor members?
If you are completing this form as part of the Startup Haven Accelerator application process, then we recommend that you do not yet make your profile visible. You may change this option at any time.
Tell Us About You
Tell us about who's completing this application.
Are you a full-time founder, co-founder or C-level exec of the company?
In order to complete this form you must be a full-time founder, co-founder or C-level exec for the company. If your answer to this question is not "Yes", then you should not continue with this form.
What is your Startup Haven member number?
Only current members of Startup Haven are allowed to participate in the Investor Match program. Your Member Number can be viewed by logging in to, clicking Member Profile, then View/Edit Profile. If you are not a Startup Haven member, please apply for membership before completing this form. It's easy and free. If you need assistance, email
[email protected]
What is your email address?
What is the name of your startup?
Give us a description of your business in 25 words or less.
What is the URL of the company website?
What accelerator program(s) has your startup graduated from?
Only list programs that included a cash investment from the program.
The Team
Startups are built by teams. Tell us about yours.
How many full-time founders?
Full-time means working solely on this company, i.e., not working on any other "endevors" outside of the startup, no other jobs, no other startups, no other work of any kind.
List: 1) first name, 2) last name, 3) role, 4) LinkedIn profile URL and 5) email address of all of the companies FULL-TIME founders, including yourself.
First Name
Last Name
LinkedIn Url
How many part-time founders?
Part time founders are a fact of life and there's no shame in making ends meet until the startup can take care of the financial needs of the team. But it's important to be transparent about how everyone on the team is sharing their time.
List: 1) first name, 2) last name, 3) role, 4) LinkedIn profile URL and 5) email address of all of the companies PART-TIME founders.
First Name
Last Name
LinkedIn Url
Please list any other startup companies that team members have founded in the past.
Company Basics
Most investors have a more or less formal investment thesis, often markets, business models, company stages, revenue traction milestones, etc. They also value the experience of the team and the (sometimes twisty-curvy) trajectory of the company.
In what month and year was your startup founded?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
How is your startup incorporated?
Sole Proprietorship or Partnership
In what State is your startup incorporated?
Ex. "Seattle, WA"
In what city your startup physically headquartered?
Provide the URL to your company's Crunchbase profile.
What customer paradigm best matches your startup?
Which best characterizes the state of your product.
Pre-product / Idea Stage / Mockup
Functional Prototype
Alpha Product - Internal Only
Alpha Product - External but Private
Alpha Product - External and Public
Beta Product - Private
Beta Product - Public
Production Product w/ No Revenue
Production Product w/ Early Customer Revenue
Production Product w/ Substantial Customer Revenue
Which market sectors apply to your startup?
Future of Work
Healthcare- Clinical
Healthcare - Administrative
Media and Entertainment
Science and Engineering
Real Estate
Music and Audio
Food and Beverage
Clothing and Apparel
Government and Military Payments
Privacy and Security
Financial Services
Content and Publishing
Sales Enablement
What is your product category?
Do NOT choose more than three.
Do Software - SaaS
Software - Non-SaaS
Software - Infrastructure
Software - Cloud
Consumer Packaged Goods
Mobile App
Software Development Tools
Please upload a PDF of your pitch deck.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 80 MB.
How many NON-PAYING users do you have?
How many PAYING customers do you have?
Total gross REVENUE for past 12 months?
Most recent month's gross REVENUE?
Total gross EXPENSES past 12 months?
Most recent month's gross EXPENSES?
Have you established a proven, scalable customer acquisition cost? If so, what is it?
This can be a range.
If you haven't yet established a proven customer acquisition cost, what cost are you assuming you can achieve?
Does your data support an average customer lifetime? If so, what is it? (in months)
If you cannot yet establish an average customer lifetime based on data, what are you assuming your average customer lifetime will be? (in months)
Fund Raising History
How much 'friends and family' capital have you raised to date?
How much non-dilutive capital have you raised to date?
This number should include traditional loans, grants, revenue financing, etc.
Briefly describe the structure, terms and participants of the non-dilutive capital you have raised.
How much strategic investment capital have you raised to date?
Briefly describe the structure, terms and participants of the strategic capital you have raised.
How much professional angel investment capital have you raised to date?
This number should only reflect investment from arms-length angel investors and institutional investors.
Briefly describe the structure, terms and participants of the professional angel investment capital you have raised.
How much institutional venture capital have you raised to date?
This number should only reflect investment from arms-length angel investors and institutional investors.
Briefly describe the structure, terms and participants of the institutional venture capital you have raised.
Current Fund Raise
The purpose of Investor Match is to help Startup Haven investors find companies that may be a good fit for them. The amount you're raising and the terms under which you are raising are relevant. We understand that the answers to these questions could be approximate and negotiable.
What is the desired size of your current round?
Use full number notation, e.g., "500,000", no dollar signs.
What is the desired pre-money valuation/cap for your current round?
Use full number notation, e.g., "500,000", no dollar signs or periods.
Do you have a lead investor?
What investment structure are you seeking for your current round?
Priced Round
Convertible Debt
Series Seed
Revenue-based Financing
Not Determined Yet
How much capital is already committed to our current round?
The total amount of the round people have soft circled, verbally committed to, or closed. Use full number notation, e.g., "500,000"
What are the sources of the committed capital for your current round?
Friends and Family
Individual Angel(s)
Angel Group
VC Firm
Strategic Investor(s)
Virtual Video Coffee Meeting
Here's your chance to put your best foot forward in a virtual coffee meeting with potential investors. Each of the following questions poses a topic that you can expect any serious investor to ask you about in your first coffee meeting. Think about each question from the perspective of an investor who wants to understand not just the content of your answers but also who wants to understand HOW you think about these questions. Our best advice: be thoughtful, be concise and, above all, be honest. Two minutes isn't much time. But don't worry... you'll have plenty of time to elaborate once you meet the investor. So please respect the two-minute time limit. What happens if you go over the two-minute limit? Regrettably, you would be sending a message to investors either that you can't follow instructions, that you can't organize your thoughts or that you just don't respect their time. As such, your profile will be not be posted on Investor Match. Please note: These videos should be recorded specifically to address each topic and no other. Excerpts from extended videos are not appropriate for this purpose. You should imagine that your are answering a direct question from a potential investor.
VIDEO: Tell us about your customer. (maximum 2 minutes)
Please provide a URL to a stand-alone video (maximum 2 minutes) of a founder(s) explaining who your customer is, how you've come to understand them, what insights you've gained about their problems and needs, how you intend to scale your reach to connect with them, etc.
VIDEO: Tell us about your market. (maximum 2 minutes)
Please provide a URL to a stand-alone video (maximum 2 minutes) of a founder(s) explaining your understanding of your market, it's defining characteristics, why this is the right time to be in this market, what are the favorable trends, what's your position in the marketplace and the competitive landscape, etc.
VIDEO: Tell us about the problem you solve and how. (maximum 2 minutes)
Please provide a URL to a stand-alone video (maximum 2 minutes) of a founder(s) explaining the problem set or value proposition you're addressing through your solution, it's technology, how it uniquely address your customers needs, how you think product design, how you think about your product's evolution, etc.
VIDEO: Tell us about your team. (maximum 2 minutes)
Please provide a URL to a stand-alone video (maximum 2 minutes) that can help us understand your team, why is this the right team to take on this project, how you came together, how your think about your roles, what you feel are your greatest strengths as a team, how you handle conflict, etc.
VIDEO: Tell us about your next significant strategic milestone(s). (maximum 2 minutes)
Please provide a URL to a video (maximum 2 minutes) that can help us understand what you believe to be the next important milestone(s) for your company.
VIDEO: Tell us about your current funding round. (maximum 2 minutes)
Please provide a URL to a video (maximum 2 minutes) that can help us understand how you are thinking about your current round, i.e., why that valuation, what structure, use of funds, milestone targets, investor fit, etc.
Ready to Submit
Your profile is ready to submit. Once you acknowledge the question below, we will review your profile. If we have any questions or concerns then we will reach to the email address you provided. If you indicated that you want your profile to be visible then we will let you know when that happens. If you chose not to make your profile visible, then we will not publish it.
Are you sure you are ready to submit your profile information.
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