Startup Haven Ambassador

Startup Haven is growing and our Ambassador program is evolving. Like a startup, we’ll make changes based on what we learn.

The Ambassador Role

The startup ecosystem in every city is unique. Startup Haven depends on the knowledge, insights and passions of local Chapter Directors and Ambassadors who are actively engaged in their local startup community.

If you identify with the following then you might be a good fit for an Ambassador.

  • History of deep involvement with venture-scale startups, founders and/or investors.
    • do you understand the startup experience?
  • Passion for startup community development
    • do you care about making an impact for startup founders?
  • Strong founder/investor network within your local startup ecosystem, or desire and ability to develop a such a network.
    • Startup Haven is about building relationships among founders and investors, ambassador are instrumental in helping build those relationships.

Most Startup Haven Ambassadors are actively involved in their startup community, often as organizers, mentors/advisors, or even as active startup founders or investors. This means that Ambassadors are usually quite busy people. And we understand that. As such, the time requirements for the Ambassador role are kept modest and flexible.

The process of becoming an Ambassador starts with an in-depth conversation to ensure that we have a shared understanding of the Startup Haven mission and to identify the activities and goals that make the most sense for your particular interest, network and skillset. In addition, we will from time to time invite you to (optionally) join in on some Chapter Director meetings when we are discussing particular initiatives in your city.

As a Startup Haven Ambassador, here’s how you can help.

  • Help us understand.
    • Every city is different and we want Startup Haven to be responsive to the unique needs and intricacies of all of our chapter cities. To accomplish this, we’ll ask for your advice from time to time and we ask that you let us know when you see something that you think we should know about. We will also keep you in the loop as we take on new initiatives.
  • Help us grow.
    • As Startup Haven membership grows in a city, so does it’s impact. But because of our strict membership requirements we mostly fly under the radar. So we rely on members, Chapter Directors and Ambassadors to help us get the word out. Because there are so many “networking” events and groups out there (many of which don’t deliver much value to serious founders) we need your help in cutting through the noise so that qualified folks can understand that Startup Haven is different and find their way to our door.
  • Become a Startup Haven expert.
    • In order to represent Startup Haven effectively, it is important to understand well the Startup Haven mission and membership requirements. Once you’ve read these links, we’ll schedule a phone call to discuss. That’s it. An there’s no test.
  • Make us an expert in YOU.
    • As you help us we also want to help you. As we work together we want to be on the lookout for how we can do that. We will from time to time share with others your role as a Startup Haven Ambassador and we will keeps a look out for opportunities that we think you will be interested in.